Our Mission is Clear
Our vision is always will be to achieve excellence through the diversity of provision for all individuals and clients that require our services and as a result we offer a person-centred service and are able to support individuals of all ages with various needs and from various backgrounds.
By engaging with our clients, individual Service Users and their families, in discussion and decision making throughout our partnership, to ensure the best care possible is agreed we can ensure that the we give the best support possible and that all needs are met at all times.
By regularly monitoring and reviewing our services we can ensure that all care and support reflects the needs of our clients at all times and that we are able to adapt to provide a flexible service to meet changing needs.
All of our services are person centred and based on values and principles where everybody who commissions our service are treated equally to ensure that Bright Lights is a true community resource.
By providing high quality, cost effective care we can enable people to live as independently as possible with dignity and support.
At all times we will endeavour:
- To provide a high quality and needs led service
- To meet the expectations of all who use the service
- To motivate and develop our staff group
- To offer a quality service at a cost-effective level
- To have positive relationships with our clients and their families
- To play our part fully in the field of care
- To provide good quality support, to enable people to live as independently as possible with dignity and support